~I got new paints today~
Once upon a time I taught Tole Painting. I had created my own line of patterns and I taught workshops at a friends Tole Shop. Wow, that was such a lifetime ago. Some of my paints are probably 14 years old. Sad huh?
I have been wanting to try something new and exciting,but new paint is very expensive. Well,the ones I want to try are,especially on my budget of nothing. Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of the last time I worked. I've been on medical leave since then and since there isn't a paycheck,my art budget is well,pretty much a big fat Zero!
Honey is pretty good about picking things up for me and if I bat my baby browns and make promises of chocolate cake I can get what I want,but his job has been slow and I feel guilty sometimes asking for stuff.
Today we were in the area of Jerry's Artarama and I managed to persuade Honey to --"oh please can we stop?" I batted my eyelashes until he gave in. I wandered around the place like it was the Sistine Chapel. There were so many wants and a few needs. I wanted to see the prices of their paint and it's been a while since I've graced the aisles of a real art store. See along with the no job,and no check,my oldest uses my car for work so therefore there is no running the streets. We live far from civilization and by the time any of the guys get home,I'm too lazy to go out or it's already high traffic time. Gosh I sound whiney today don't I?
Wandering around the many paint aisles my son had pointed out some tubes that were reasonably inexpensive,but as I turned around the word URBAN caught my eye. Being a SO*CAL girl anything Urban sounds cool and SoHo Urban Artist sounded mondo cool to me. The colors were so bright and bold. It just reminded me of the Graf- art back home. I stood there staring at all the pretty colors like a deer in the headlights until I caught a glimpse of the sign with prices. 75ml for a mere $1.99! Since I had a hot $5 dollar bill burning a whole in my pocket I bought a Diox.Purple and a crazy orange. I also bought this itty bitty 2x4 baby canvas. I think once I paint that baby bad boy up I am going to give it away. Yippee my first give away.
I can't wait.
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