Monday, September 7, 2009

A new Art Studio

Finally! I have been wanting to move into a new space for a while. The room I was in before just had bad lighting and bad mojo. I just didn't want to create in there,which is bad because I have works that need to be done and a few looming deadlines.
My son must think I'm magic. Under Things to Create he listed

Yesterday was a happy day. The guys all came to my aid and helped me do the switch. Since I can not lift anything over 15 pounds I needed a lot of help.
I rewarded them with Dr.Pepper Floats for the use of their muscles.
The new view from my window. Isn't it beautiful?

This room is much bigger than what I had before,although I still have storage issues. I am mentally making my Christmas Wish list now. I now have the room to spread my work stations out.
My beautiful artwork from the Phi & PR Mom

I am now able to have my art and books in one place. See those two birds? All they ever do is gossip. I wonder who they are talking about now.
Just a few of the journals that I have started and never filled.
In the moving and cleaning I came across this old painting I did about 15 or 16 years ago.
Mister Angry Evil Bunny that my son made in school about 7 years ago. When I am angry or frustrated he makes me smile. I made the Bitch bag from a magazine cover.
I still have a lot of organizing and cleaning to do,but I feel so much more inspired in this new space.