Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby & Happy Anniversary too!

It's funny isn't it, how life sometimes turns out?
Today is Honey's 45Th Birthday. So I tried to bake him a beautiful cake,you know, the kind that you see in pictures. Tall and stately with fluffy frosting and mouth watering goodness. So, I went out and bought 2 round cakes pans. When I was mixing the batter I did it by hand and gently poured the batter into the well seasoned pans. Placed the pans carefully in the oven and tip toed around for 28 minutes.
When the timer went off I carefully pulled the cakes out and lovingly placed them on the cooling rack. I got the plate ready and stirred up the frosting and then..... when I flipped the first layer over,the darn thing stuck but just a little and I was able to patch it up. I frosted the top and sides and then went to flip over the top layer and wouldn't you know it a whole chunk stuck! Grrr I was so bummed.

The cake was lopsided and after loading on all those candles it slide even more. It took 2 boxes minus 3 candles to light up his night.

This June will mark 30 years that I've known him. I was a mere lass of 13 the first time I laid eyes on him. Tomorrow is our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. We married each other twice. First time was at the Santa Ana Courthouse and 5 years ago we did the Church thing which turned out a total disaster,but I'll save that for another post.

Growing up there were 2 things I was adamant about. One was I NEVER wanted to get married and second I never wanted kids. I wanted to travel to Ireland,Paris and Scotland. I wanted the glamorous life of a Journalist.

It's now 18 years and 3 kids later and my life has been far from glamorous. The only Paris I've been to is Lake Perris. I'm pretty grateful though for how my life has turned out.
Had my life been left to continue the way it was going back then I'd probably be dead.
Funny isn't it,how life turns out.


  1. I love your spirit, i mean, literally, not in that pop-culture term, as you know I mean literally your spirit--the insight, the reflection and appreciation, etc. Also, I thought I was the only one who liked the term "mere lass" but alas, I am not alone in this. Gemini's. I swear. We have our own planet and language. Well, we do actually have the planet, technically of Mercury. But ok, anyway, you shoulda taken a picture of the crooked cake so we coulda enjoyed the beauty of it's lopsidedness. I'm sure it was damn good.

  2. wait, im a dweeb that is a picture of the cake--man, it's huge!

  3. It wasn't as big as I had hoped. It was really kinda small. I think all the candles gave it heigth. did I spell that right? lol
