Tortillons or Tortillas
This looks like a drawing instead of a photo doesn't it?
I don't know if I've ever shared this,but I have a very curious mind. I swear it must be a Gemini thing. I have to know how things work,why certain things do what they do,why when you drive through Corona and are in Green River that on top of that big ol' mountain is a house.
I mean why would somebody just plop a house there?
Just stuff like that.
To drive my family mad.
The latest thing to catch my attention are those cosas, things up above. I kept seeing them everywhere,including my grocery store,heck I even found one in the house. I just didn't know what they were for,aside of knowing they had to do something with drawing.
It was a conspiracy!
It had to be
Today I forgot to pack my favorite drawing pencil so I popped into my grocery store on the way to work and picked up a drawing set. Besides the pencils,graphite,
sandpaper stick and various other goodies
those thing-a-ma-bibbers
(my youngests word,he could never say thing-a-ma- bob)
were included.
So I took them out and walked back to my Boss's Office and said
"at the risk of sounding like a complete dork what are these things and what do you do with them?"
Keep in mind that I work in an Art Gallery.
He says "I don't know,maybe they are shaders or something"
So I headed back up front and pondered that thought.
Guess What??
That is what they are for.
I went buck wild!
A mad drawing spree ensued!
The sides of my hands were black from the lead,but I didn't care. I found a new toy!
A brand new paper twisted toy!
So on the way home from work,I stopped at the
craft store and bought a whole package of
paper twisted new toys.
I drove home thinking of all the things I would draw and shade
with my super-sized Newsprint Sketchpad.
Guess what else happened?
I got home
Sat down
Ate some dinner
Got on the computer
and decided I'm tired
I don't want to draw anymore.
Story of My Life!
If you look really close at the picture you can see the Lips I drew.
My youngest is in California and I was drawing kisses then pic- texting them to him.
Yes,I know,I'm an absolute complete dork. BUT
a complete dork with brand new paper twisted new toys Who no longer wants to
play with them.
Curiosity can not be just a Gemini trait, I am a Scorpio and you do not know how it drives me. Your story of the shaders reminded me of a point in time where I was doing very well with my water color painting and went crazy experimenting! The example was using water based pen mixed with water color detail and then washing everything with a very wet brush,it was fun. Enjoy your toy and show some of the work!