These are my very nosey Love birds and they couldn't wait for me to share my super-delish gifts I received in the mail yesterday. Forgive the quality of the picture,but I had to do the cell phone photography.
A while back I did my first blog give away of a small Frida painting I had done and the winner was the very kind, and wonderful with words, Punk Rock Mom. I was very late in getting her prize out to her. I live in what we refer to as 'No man's land" and the post office is about 25 miles away (that's 1 way) and by the time I got the car it was always too late. Finally about two weeks ago I was able to steal the car from the kids and high tail it out into the big City and get her prize in the mail(carrier pigeons were being lazy that day). Punk Rock Mom has a wonderful blog that she lets me read and not only is she a fabulous Photographer,but she is one half of an amazing set of parents ( I wonder if I'm too old to be adopted by these two?) After PR Mom received her package she did a blog post about them and about me as well. It was so heart-fully written I even wanted to read my blog!
I think PR mom should go into the PR profession .
In my package I received from her and her beautiful daughter (if all little girls were as cute and smart as hers I'd sign myself up for 10) a Thank you card with one of her photo's that I love. You can see the little shoes above the gossiping birdies. I also received 2 pieces of art created by PR Mom & PR Baby. The one that says "GRACIAS" was done by PR MOM and the beautiful painting was done by the PR Babe,she must have ESP,because the colors of my painting match the gossipy little birds perfectly and that's where they will stay.
It was such a surprise and I am so grateful and happy to know that there are very kind people out in that mean old world!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart E & S!
yea you got our package! I am telling you, you inspired us. We have been coloring and painting almost everyday since your pieces arrived.
ReplyDeleteOh and PR Dad and I would love to adopt you. Of course only if you don't mind bunk beds and sharing a room with The Phi.
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