I am sorry I've been neglecting my blogging duties. Will you forgive me? I forgot what a chore having a party is. My "baby" will be turning Stinky 16 or would it be Sour 16? Since girls are Sweet 16,I figure boys would be the opposite. Since his birthday falls on Monday we are having his party on Saturday. Honey keep trying to add my name to the affair (he thinks he can kill 2 days with one affair). My birthday is next Friday.
I started doing the "guest" cleaning,but then things started changing. The Guest list expanded,the food is getting catered and I went on a mad cleaning spree. Rooms,closets,carpets and cabinets weren't safe.
My Art Studio has a giant gaping hole where my table belongs. I dare not put things back together until Friday. I know if I do I will plop myself down and start some gianormous project that will be all over. I also think it will just entice someone to want to touch my things. I'm bad about peeps touching my stuff.
So until the party is over,the cakes been eaten,and the weekend guests go back to N.C.,Cali,and Vegas, I won't have any Art to share with you. Who knows I may have some good pictures to share. Our family is a pretty gregarious bunch.
So until then enjoy your week.