Thursday, August 13, 2009

Show a new Blogger some love

Gina Presser Art Bowl
"The one I won"

I love reading Blogs on all types of subjects and when a blog piques my interest I like to show my support.
There is a new blog in the Blog Hood and lucky me,
I won her contest. She is also a fellow Artist.
If you have a chance pop on over and show some blog love to
and while you are there you can see the beautiful Bowl I won.
I am going to put it on my studio table far away from the notorious bowl breaking males in my family.
Thank You Gina!

1 comment:

  1. Irlinda Molina (INKY CHICA)October 7, 2009 at 9:23 PM

    found you on crafty chica's blog, very nice work here! i'm known as inky chica and am a tattoo artist. us chicas need to stick together and form a collective or something! poder de las chicas!
