I am sorry that I have been so neglectful these past couple of weeks. This new job just makes time disappear.
I will be neglecting the blog here for a while more as I embark on a new adventure.
I am doing a collaboration with a fellow blogger,the PR Mom
I call her my
She and I are teaming up for a special event and have created a blog to write about our journey together.
If you would be so kind as to follow us and root us on,I would be most appreciative.
The new blog is called
One of the exciting parts of it is, we have never met. We have never spoken before.
We live in 2 different states.
Our communication has been solely through blog comments,emails and instant messages.
We have joined to create a Shrine for the
Altar Auction .
If you'd like to know more,please visit the other blog.
leave us comments,applaud us,boo us,
Cheer us on!
We will both be posting as we move along,so when you pop in you'll never know if it's PR Mom or myself writing the post of the day.